Monday 23 July 2012

The Harvest*

Blog recovery: originally Sunday 24th June 2012

*Harvesting time. 
A friend of mine said that we her family used to kill chickens for the freezer they called it 'harvesting' and we have adopted that word too.

Last night we isolated the three roosters we collected on Monday night. We isolated them to be able to make sure any food in their system had time to work through.
This morning, Paul (who has given us the layers, Plymouth Rocks, etc) came around to run through with Aj how to kill a chicken, and prep it for eating. I will let Aj tell you about it :)

Aj here. I've never killed an animal for meat before. While it didn't go quite as smoothly as when Paul did the first one (ha! - he made it look easy!) it certainly wasn't a disaster. It's quite a strange feeling looking the creature in the eye and realising that it will die so that I will eat meat. It makes you acutely appreciate where your food comes from. Not that I'm giving up meat; it was actually quite an amazing experience, and I wasn't squeamish like I thought I might be.

After tossing it up, I gave my five year-old the option of watching the process. He absorbed it well and understood that this was not a lighthearted matter, and I'm very proud of him. And, thanks to Mel doing the gutting, we have three whole birds ready for cooking!

I'm not sure what this week holds. My babies first birthday party on Saturday, so I guess I will fill it with preparing for that :)


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