Why am I writing all this? We have a number of empty shops in town. It is sad to see as our town is by no means dying out but the shops will if our community doesn't start shopping locally.
I am a bargain hunter and happy to OP Shop but I have had to dig deeper of late and be the support our town needs. Plus if you only buy the things you actually need to need up saving money as you aren't tempted by all the things you don't need.
I found this non local site on the reasons to shop local and although based on Chicago I think it aplies to our town too.
Think before you spend. Can you buy it locally? If so do so and support your community!
I've been thinking and practicing this lately... after buying a few $4 kmart tee-shirts and being convicted quickley that perhaps I could next time invest in a better quality non-sweat-house made garments.... love your blog xxx catching up x