A friend has this up on her wall. It speaks loads to me.
I often find that I am comparing myself to others. Better at craft; better at running a house; better than running a business from home...and the list goes on.
But guess what: I am ME. No one else can be me. All that matters is that I am doing what God has asked of me, by serving Him in all that I do and taking care of my family.
Things that I am good at. Not to toot my own trumpet but because doing this is hard! You try it:
Loving God and serving Him.
Loving and caring for my husband and kids.
Listening to others when they need it.
Not compromising on things that I believe in.
Being creative at lots of things. I may not be an expert at any one thing but I enjoy what I do.
Preserving - sauces and jams.
Making Choc Chip Biscuits.
As I write this I am thinking about a market coming up and thinking that my things will look daggy compared to others, that she makes and sells HEAPS of earrings...But I have to ignore those thoughts and focus on what I am good at and enjoy and rejoice in those things.
Thanks for the reminder Mel