Meet Asha, our 4mth old kitten
Asha is Miss Z's early birthday present.
We talked a lot about it and after seeing Miss Z with the kitten on Tuesday, I knew it was the right time. I personally am not really a big cat person, but she is cute.
Essie is fascinated by her. Asha, well, I can say I have seen a cat spit now :)
I'm sure you will see more of her in time to come but just a short one for now.
If you are wanting to watch some funny animations on cats try Simon's Cat. They are great!
For those of you with kids who have behavioural issues (beyond simply the need for some good discipline), how do you cope and what are things that you have found that work? Cheers.
prayer and love. If there are particular behaviours, like being affected by noise, or not seeming to listen, or other's you can pin-point, at T's age (as this is how old S was) - one would believe behaviours to be improving, not still being there. Email me if you want to give specific examples and I'll bounce back some thoughts? xxx