Hay, we had a great week this week!
You'll have to pardon the pun, but we had our hay cut and raked this week (thank you so much to our neighbours across the road!).
Mr T enjoying a front row seat as director of operations. |
Glad I don't have to push a mower around this hectare! |
On Thursday Ross from down the road came with his square baler (we can't shift or handle the big round ones). He managed to get 30 done before breaking the chain on his machine. Mel and I got those bales in and wondered where the rest of them would all fit, because they definitely weren't going to all get into the hayshed.
1 trailer, 29 bales |
Working hard on the pedals so the carter can get the bales on the trailer... |
Providence Meadows |

Friday afternoon, Ross came back with a new chain and, in a short time, had the baler running again. Lovely friends of ours were over to share in our Friday night pizza, so after tea we all got out there and started carting it in - all 200 more bales!
Heaps! |
Now this is why I really appreciate where we live: seeing how many bales there were, I wasn't sure how we were going to get them all in that night. So I posted a request for anyone local to help and, within an hour
two blokes had showed up with their buses (for you non-locals, that's Tassie speak for 4WD) and trailers! As you can imagine, with all the amazing help, the job was done very quickly!
Paul, Tracey, Miss E and Miss B; Sam and Roger: without you, the job would have been so much bigger, harder and would not have been finished in one evening. Thank you so much.
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