New chicken shed for the meat birds is in the paddock and operational. New gutter style feeder. Just need to hook up a larger watering system for the shed now.
Taps and new lines installed in the poly pipe line around the place: We have a new tap for watering off the bore, as well as two new shut off points for water travelling around the perimeter. Fruit trees are all piped for watering too.
Hay is set up to be cut later this month, so we will have some new hay for this winter (and the old hay has been completely cleaned out of the hayshed).
Cows: temporary reels up so that the calves and older steers are separate. But they now have a larger area to roam. The steers are very close to being ready for slaughter.

Pictures soon.
On Thursday we had own old dog Tinker put down, he was 14. It was time but it was hard nether the less. He has been a wonderful, faithful dog. It hit MissZ the hardest 'But he was my friend!' she said through sobs. It has helped having another dog to take the attention and the kids have said no more about it. She has now asked for a rabbit and a cat, funny girl.
Enjoy your week!
A lovely read. Thank you.