Monday, 21 January 2013

Home Sweet Home

There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort...Jane Austen

We are home after two weeks in Melbourne visiting family for belated Christmas Days (both sides). It was a wonderful time catching up with family and a few friends. We even made it up to Omeo to visit friends who moved from Tassie 12 months ago.

We took a car load, Essie, and two chickens, which were a Christmas present for my nephew. 
We returned with a car jam-packed, Essie, and two guinea pigs, which were a Christmas present for the kids from my sister and her family. 

What I loved: seeing loved ones
What I missed: my gumboots ;)

The road to Omeo
We were able to test out the new freeway, Peninsula Link, on its opening day.
There were only a couple of dramas while we were away. One being a gate that was accidentally left open allowing two big steers to get out and go up the road.  Our wonderful neighbours got them back for us. The other being two missing small hens and a few missing meat birds. I found four of these feather patches on the ground. I reckon something has come in, sat and eaten. Eagle? There have been a few about lately or was it a quoll or devil? Who knows and we probably won't ever know.

patch of feathers 
The ducks checking out the new comers to the yard.
tuckered out on the trip home
Our ride home :D
Poor Essie missed home. She was ok while we still had the chickens but when they went to my sister's place she was LOST! I can see why working dogs are meant for working and not small backyards. She discovered and rediscovered many things under Aj's parents' house and helped (NOT!) in the garden by digging. I think I have a very patient set of in-laws! She is so happy to be home and settled back into life herding and stalking chickens. 

There have been fires in Tassie. This photo was taken on our trip home.
The sunset through the Montumana fires.
What has been happening in your world?


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