I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your replies to my blog. I am encouraged by them. I guess my blog is a great way for family and friends to keep up with what we are doing here but it's also a great place to be me and to share my thoughts. I am touched by emails, messages, and blog comments that people make about how my words have helped, encouraged and supported them. It's what makes me keep blogging, so...
My house has been one of learning and creating this past week. Miss Z
is wanting to learn to write and I have been creating :-)
We have been practising letters and made a counting book, which she
was extremely proud to show Aj when he came home from work.
I am now designing some alphabet and number flash cards for her. Once
they are finished we will be able to colour them in together. She can write her
name although we refining the way the letters are formed. And she wants to
write her siblings' and animals' names ;)
I have been creating tissue box covers and appliques for tee shirts. I
have been really enjoying it! I would like to offer you the opportunity to buy
a tee shirt. I have four long sleeve tops. Grey size7 (boys), green size6
(b), blue size6 (b) and white size3 (girls). $10 to cover the cost of the top
and postage. Please email me at providencedesigns (at) gmail (dot) com if you
would like one :D

I went to spotlight today and bought a few things including some small
pegs and rick rack ribbon to finish a Christmas garland. I bought two pieces of
material: maps and chickens. Not sure how I will use the chicken one yet but
the map one will be made into a tissue box cover and a cushion for my map-crazy
Oh, Oh, Oh and I picked up a TV cabinet and some old windows today! How
could I forget?

Isn't this cabinet going to make the cutest kitchen for my girls.
Now for the work of turning it in a kitchen. Oven, cooktop and fridge. And best
of all, all the playfood will be stored IN it. ;) Thinking of just
painting the doors and leaving the rest stained. I would like to get some
baskets for the top shelves but we'll see. First thing will be the oven top.
I went to look at some timber for a new chook house and came out with
four old windows instead. One for the secret garden, one/two for frames and one
to use as a small green house lid thingy.
Well, my bed is calling.
Couldn't see the photo of the TV cabinet for some reason BUT...Best. Idea. Ever. LOVE IT!!! (The girls will love it even more, I'm sure!)