Thursday, 4 October 2012


Friendship. I have been thinking about it a lot lately; maybe over-thinking it.

Friendship is something that I believe is getting harder to maintain in our busy lives nowadays. There was a time that I didn’t know many mothers of young children who worked. Now I know many. I am not getting into the working vs non-working mother debate but I will say that working or general busyness does have an affect on friendships. I think this quote says it all:

I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, 
but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.

It is interesting to see how my own friendship group has changed over the last 2 years since we moved from Victoria. We have a few dear friends in Victoria who we are in touch with and for whom time apart doesn’t change things. We have made some brilliant friends here in NW Tassie too. A friendship to me is a two-way street. It means helping out when in need. It means not having to always use words; just being with each other is enough.

Taking from a friendship doctor’s blog: Many camp friendships turn out to be long-lasting relationships but others fizzle out for a number of reasons: People may grow and change after they leave camp; people get immersed in their own lives and friendships at home; or people fail to nurture their camp friendships.
This is so true. Friends do take time to grow and nurture. For me it means stepping outside my comfort zone and taking the first step. Being willing to be open.


I have got to a point in life where I am past having to put a mask on my depression and my feelings. I am who I am. I want real friends, not just Facebook friends. I want real friends to share my life, not just my status updates. I want to do coffee and craft nights and hang out, but I don't want to have to be the chaser. I am finding happiness and satisfaction in my few close friends and in my family. It is a constant battle between me and my thoughts but I will get there. There was a time that I wanted lots of friends but now I just want friends who will do life with me where I am now.