Sunday, 28 October 2012

Farm Update

We had the most beautiful day today! Miss Z and I sat out on the trampoline and had some girly time, painting toe nails.

A farm update is long overdue J

The calves had a needle (just routine, part of their development), then we gave each of them a little rubber band…so in the next few weeks they’ll be young steers…Finally, we seared the top of their horns to prevent them growing, so they can’t do any damage with them.

Curious creatures. Of an evening or late arvo they are near the house, checking things out…prepared to run if we get too close though.

One of our miniatures has gone broody, so tonight I collected 6 eggs (3 Guinea Fowl and 3 Aracana) for her to sit on. We also have a broody Muscovy on 12 Indian Runner eggs. Oh, and we found a Leghorn cross this morning that we have been missing for about 10 days. She hasn’t been roosting in the chookhouse, so we thought we’d lost her. Then today we saw her out and about before we’d let the others out for the day. We took a walk in some long grass under our macrocarpa trees, and discovered a nest of 13 eggs!
We also sold 6 Barnevelder chicks to our chook supplier, so I’m feeling accomplished in some weird sort of way…hopefully they were actually all girls like he wanted! I sold 8 from a previous batch as well. It’s a great feeling, getting return for hard work. Oh and I sold a male/female pair from the 4 ducklings that the Indian Game Bantam raised.

Essie had the equivalent of the calves’ rubber band treatment on Tuesday, so she’s sporting a shaved front with a few stitches. I was told to keep her quiet for a few days, but without being supplied with doggie valium, that has proved impossible already. Although she is now chained up at night, so there arn't any 5am dog-wrestels outside our window.
And sadly, last week Essie ate a young New Hampshire and started on a second. It was my fault, I had locked her in with them and not double checked where she was :( A third had a graised elbow so it and the untouched fourth are in with the young Barnevelders until is heals and re feathers.

Mr T and I did some gardening yesterday and discovered a path made of slate stepping stones under the front lawn. I felt a bit like a Time Team member uncovering the history of our property. The slate will be used elsewhere in the garden at a later date.
I found out what the plant is at the front of our house is today. Well, found out that it has an orange flower that will come out in December. So this week I will be taking some of it and putting it in other spots in the garden. 

Hope you have a most wonderful week. Do share on here or on my Facebook page the exciting things happening about your place this week :) xox 

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Spending time

Spending time with your kids is so important. I take my hat off to those who work (outside the home) part/full time, do the household stuff and find time for their kids. Why am I thinking of all of this? Well Aj is on camp and my work load here at home doubles. It gets me thinking about different families and the way they do things or are seen to be doing things.

I’m sitting here listening to MissZ creating all sorts of cut-up-paper pictures and drawing as she sits across the table from me. We are chatting and creating together in between sentences :)

I have never been one to stop all that I do and spend loads of time with my kids. I do housework and my cooking ect with them about. I find it hard to balance the household chores and time with the kids. I am finding it especially hard now that the twins are older and both wanting me to hold them or spend time with them. I have been making a conscious effort to spend time with Z, whether it be a walk in the garden, unlocking the chooks & checking for eggs or helping her learn to write. It is the perfect time while the twins sleep and MrT is at school.

Life moves faster when you are an adult and I have only one chance to spend time with my kids at this age. I have to treasure the moments.
I found this great page with 100 ways to spend time with your kids. Number one is to ASK THEM what they want to do. Number two is MAKE THE TIME. It is so easy to use the household chores as an excuse but they will be there tomorrow waiting, I promise ;)

It is hard to just sitting patiently being told what to write or draw or how to play dolls house but the benefits far out way the time.  Miss Z just loves the one on one. while I have noticed a behaviour difference in MrT, he is more settled and I guess more willing to help out and do as he is asked.
The babies aren’t fussed on how the time is spent, but they especially love it when Aj gets home from school, lays down on the floor and lets them climb all over him.

Happy Tuesday all. The sun is now gone and I'm off to light the fire :)

Friday, 19 October 2012

Thank you

OK, so after a couple of days, my tech-savvy husband has the following ready for re-posting. Here you go:

I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your replies to my blog. I am encouraged by them. I guess my blog is a great way for family and friends to keep up with what we are doing here but it's also a great place to be me and to share my thoughts. I am touched by emails, messages, and blog comments that people make about how my words have helped, encouraged and supported them. It's what makes me keep blogging, so...

My house has been one of learning and creating this past week. Miss Z is wanting to learn to write and I have been creating :-)

We have been practising letters and made a counting book, which she was extremely proud to show Aj when he came home from work.
I am now designing some alphabet and number flash cards for her. Once they are finished we will be able to colour them in together. She can write her name although we refining the way the letters are formed. And she wants to write her siblings' and animals' names ;)

6, six choc chip biscuits and the flash cards in progress

I have been creating tissue box covers and appliques for tee shirts. I have been really enjoying it! I would like to offer you the opportunity to buy a tee shirt. I have four long sleeve tops. Grey size7 (boys), green size6 (b), blue size6 (b) and white size3 (girls). $10 to cover the cost of the top and postage. Please email me at providencedesigns (at) gmail (dot) com if you would like one :D

I went to spotlight today and bought a few things including some small pegs and rick rack ribbon to finish a Christmas garland. I bought two pieces of material: maps and chickens. Not sure how I will use the chicken one yet but the map one will be made into a tissue box cover and a cushion for my map-crazy boyo.  

Oh, Oh, Oh and I picked up a TV cabinet and some old windows today! How could I forget?

Isn't this cabinet going to make the cutest kitchen for my girls. Now for the work of turning it in a kitchen. Oven, cooktop and fridge. And best of all, all the playfood will be stored IN it. ;) Thinking of just painting the doors and leaving the rest stained. I would like to get some baskets for the top shelves but we'll see. First thing will be the oven top.

I went to look at some timber for a new chook house and came out with four old windows instead. One for the secret garden, one/two for frames and one to use as a small green house lid thingy.

Well, my bed is calling.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Taking the plunge

It is so very easy to stay in the comfort zone. I am safe, secure and comfortable in my comfort zone. I get to stay in my PJs if I want, don't have to brush my hair and don't have to worry about my snotty  dribble-drenched kids. I don't have to worry about conversation and people's thoughts. My animals need looking after and there is always housework to be done. But we don't grow by staying in the zone: we go stale.

I have been suffering from some depression of late. I am in two minds: to let people go and not be bothered or to follow up and chase some friendships. I should be seeking God for my satisfaction but instead I am seeking it firstly in friendships. Without God first, the friendships will not flourish, but it seems so much easier to say than to do. I also need to stop over-thinking things and just be a friend to others.

I have to get out there and do coffee; spend the morning out more often and see my lifestyle improve. I have to take the plunge. I don't want to go to places or events where I genuinely don't feel welcome or comfortable, but I need to get out of the house, even if it's just to go to the shops for a wander.

I took the plunge today. I was bold and did something out of the ordinary for me. I now have a fringe. I haven't had a fringe in about 20 years. Thanks Lucy for your confident words of encouragement, I love it!

I hope you are finding my blogs encouraging.
Many blessings on you this weekend coming. YAY, it's FRIDAY TOMORROW!

Monday, 8 October 2012

A simple garden project

A simple garden project was called for today.
It was beautiful and sunny outside and I wasn't too interested in playing cars so outside we went.

This simple five step project is great for little hands and Miss Z really enjoyed getting her hands dirty for this one. As Bob the Builder says: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. And I have old cupboard drawers, compost bin dirt, and reduced-to-clear plants.

STEP 1 - Line the draws with waterproof material and trim off excess.
STEP 2 - Fill with composted dirt
STEP 3 - Plant your vegetables/plants. I used Baby Spinach, Leek and a few extras that I had about. I planted the veggies closer than what they recommend as we will be using them as they grow and they will never need the recommended space.
STEP 4 - Water them in.
STEP 5 - Clean up the area and put away tools.

Happy gardening!

Thursday, 4 October 2012


Friendship. I have been thinking about it a lot lately; maybe over-thinking it.

Friendship is something that I believe is getting harder to maintain in our busy lives nowadays. There was a time that I didn’t know many mothers of young children who worked. Now I know many. I am not getting into the working vs non-working mother debate but I will say that working or general busyness does have an affect on friendships. I think this quote says it all:

I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, 
but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.

It is interesting to see how my own friendship group has changed over the last 2 years since we moved from Victoria. We have a few dear friends in Victoria who we are in touch with and for whom time apart doesn’t change things. We have made some brilliant friends here in NW Tassie too. A friendship to me is a two-way street. It means helping out when in need. It means not having to always use words; just being with each other is enough.

Taking from a friendship doctor’s blog: Many camp friendships turn out to be long-lasting relationships but others fizzle out for a number of reasons: People may grow and change after they leave camp; people get immersed in their own lives and friendships at home; or people fail to nurture their camp friendships.
This is so true. Friends do take time to grow and nurture. For me it means stepping outside my comfort zone and taking the first step. Being willing to be open.


I have got to a point in life where I am past having to put a mask on my depression and my feelings. I am who I am. I want real friends, not just Facebook friends. I want real friends to share my life, not just my status updates. I want to do coffee and craft nights and hang out, but I don't want to have to be the chaser. I am finding happiness and satisfaction in my few close friends and in my family. It is a constant battle between me and my thoughts but I will get there. There was a time that I wanted lots of friends but now I just want friends who will do life with me where I am now.