Monday, 23 July 2012

The Rooster Chase

Blog recovery; originally Tuesday 19th June 2012

Last night we were given 3 white roosters, taking our poultry count to a massive 50! 

A few Plymouth Rocks

Our girls: Happy, Ellie & Charlotte 

So now we have:
3 layers - Highline x IsaBrown
29 meat birds (yes, for eating) - Plymouth Rocks
3 roosters, which will be prepared on Saturday for the table
We are also looking after 6 Indian Runners and 12 other birds for friends including a most lovely friendly rooster (it'll be sad to see some of them go as they allow me to pick them up and are so friendly!)

Tonight it was chook lock-up time. Normally you lock chooks in their house for a few days so that they get accustomed to where 'home' is, but the Plymouth Rocks almost fell out of the door this morning so I let them all out.
Our birds get out into the house yard but the silly things don't like to 'just fly back in' and we have to open the gate and usher them in. All but one were in...and that was one of the new roosters. He got out when spooked by us and flew up the fence and almost fell over it.
He just would not go where we needed him to, to catch him. In the end it was best just to leave him and hope to grab him later. Aj found him in the hayshed (next door to the chookshed) and grabbed him by his tail  much to his disgust :) I know we will lose chooks (that's life), but I don't like having chooks out at night!

On another note, today I got myself an old style briefcase for $1. Hoping that it will mean that I can keep my farm information neat, tidy and in style with my house :) I love the vintage/antique and we are finally in a home that suits it, being built in 1938.
I love to know the history behind vintage pieces that I have. I often ask about it when buying on ebay etc. This case has B.M.F. on it and it gets my brain clicking over with who it could have been and what that person might have used it for.

Tomorrow: Wednesday, the middle of the week. Playgroup for us. What's on for you?

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