Wednesday, 26 December 2012

A true gift!

I went into Woolworths today for some dinner items and the Christmas stock was being taken down, in fact it was almost done. To think that Christmas day was only yesterday. My first thought was I bet Easter eggs and hot cross buns will be out by the end of the week.

A friend, Christmas eve: ''Just saw a Coles ad that mentioned Easter. Surely that's a record, mentioning Easter on Christmas Eve???"

I don’t know if it is just me, but Christmas has become such a commercial day. The massive build-up and then bam! it’s done and dusted. Even with those around me I see that we as a society are forgetting the original meaning of Christmas. Whether you believe in Christ or not, without Him there wouldn’t be a Christmas. Why do we need to spend lots of our children: stuff that will be out-of-fashion within months and discarded? Why do we need to spend money on people who have it all? I have been reflecting a lot today and it occurred to me that Christmas isn’t even about spending time with family and loved ones. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that is a bad thing, but it’s about Christ first and foremost. He is the reason we celebrate. 

Christ was born, to die, to give us eternal life, if we choose to accept it.

We ate our duck for dinner tonight, Duck a L’Orange, with roast vegetables. It was lovely!!! A very rich and such dark meat. I was surprised at how little meat there was for such a heavy bird but what was there gave 4 adults and 8 kids enough. We were able to share the meal with friends and had a wonderful evening! Worth sharing such a meal like that! Such a great feeling being able to raise, slaughter and cook something that you have put time into. Great also knowing that he was a truly organic bird! 

Saturday, 22 December 2012

This is the life.

With Christmas is only 3 sleeps away things are rather relaxed around here. I finished making some skirts that are presents for others. Oh and I got some housework done. I do need to wrap some presents now though.

We had two extras today as my friend was out on a wedding shoot. It was great as the older of the two is a year older than MrT and they get along so well. They spent much of their day outside or playing Lego. It was lovely to see.

We said good-bye and thank you to Mr Muscovy Duck and will be preparing him for Christmas lunch. Once again YouTube was a great help. A week earlier and he wouldn’t have had any big tough feathers. Still, we both found the job easier than with a chicken. Looking forward to seeing how it cooks up. Now to find a recipe…mmm… a cherry sauce or Duck a L'orange?

Tomorrow I will be making a Christmas cake. The last one I made was in Year 10 so we’ll see how it goes. I had wanted to make a pudding but reading the recipe was doing my head in, so I’ll try the cake. I’ll make some custard to pour over the top so no matter what it’ll be ok.

Both sets of parents have said in their Christmas letters that we are living the dream/our dream here in Tassie. Today has been one of those (sigh) wonderful dreamy days.

Our two English Game miniature chicks with their mum.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Hello, remember me?

Hello, remember me? I know, long time no blogging hey.

Tell me, how do you go about life not worring about the things that life throws up at you?
I am one who over thinks things and that is frustrating. Poor Aj cops random statements or questions of things that I have been thinking about for a while. I think I need to let go off the small picture sometimes and look at the big picture. It is finding the balance though. The small things still get taken care off but I don’t spend so much time dwelling on them.
I think to I need to stop being a stress-head, let things slide, and decide to think about them at a later date.

Through all of this though Christmas is not stressful. We are blessed to be spending it with our neighbours and I am excitied about it. I need to get the girls tv cabinet/kitchen finished but taking the ‘all in good time’ option.   

I having been enjoying my creative time of late. Sewing dresses, shorts (MrW’s shorts ended up being too long but were prefect pants), softies and Christmas crafts.

We have had a brilliant weekend. Stanley Show on Saturday, and house/yard work yesterday. Lawns mown, front fence finished, chicken coops cleaned. We ended the weekend with friends over for dinner.

I trust that I have encouraged you with my honesty and please I’d love to hear your words of wisdom too J

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

What a day.

It’s been a while since I have spoken with you all via a blog.

A huge day today. Said goodbye to our visitors this morning. MrT off to school. MrGu (little boy I babysit) and seafood collected. 450kg of seafood delivered to Burnie. 2 gates, 1 mini kids tramp and a towel rail collected and all done with 4 kids in toe. Yep, ready for bed now...but feel like sewing :)

So as I am tired and no, the sewing won’t be happening (Although the material is on the table) I thought I would share some photos with you.

The final pictures are of the Guinea Fowl. They are now outside. Funny things. Man, they can fly! The planter is about 5.5foot off the ground! 

Enjoy your Thrusday, Friday. 

Nite all xox

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

The loss of a pet

We lost our pet rabbit Maddie yesterday.

We were given him by friends when they moved to Victoria. He was a true Tassie rabbit. Would sit out in the rain, wind and cold, only going in at night to sleep and eat. He was always ‘Jake’s rabbit’ to the kids but they loved him heaps.

Here he is posing with a doll I made

Death is a natural part of life and we have not sheltered our kids from seeing it. Chooks die, they get sick, hit by a car…and roosters go in the freezer. The steers will die too one day. We wanted the kids to see a difference between the ‘oh well that's life’ or food, and a pet. They really weren’t too fussed; in fact Mr T was thinking about dinner and asked so too. I was a little upset. I guess it was because he was getting used to us and was allowing me to pat him and wasn’t running away when we came over. We buried him in the garden and said a prayer thanking God for the joy that he brought us.

I'm babysitting tomorrow and should be having a half dozen Aracana chicks arriving. They lay pretty green coloured eggs, well they will at about 20wks old. I am excitied!!!

I trust you are having a good week and staying positive :) 

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Sexing Chickens

This blog is dedicated to one of Aj's fellow teachers (also a chook owner).

As you may know, about a month ago we had a hen disappear. We found her about 10 days later sitting on 13 eggs out in the paddock. On Tuesday we had 8 chicks to put under a heat lamp (we wanted them to sell and so didn't leave them with her).

There are a few ways to tell the different sexes of chickens. But today we have tested our 3-day-old chicks with the wing feather and hold test. Aj YouTubed a few videos after chatting with a mate. This one was a great help although it doesn't show both male and female for comparisons. This picture will help.

Pullets' feathers have 2 distinct lengths, cockerels' are all the same length.
Working hard on our fluffballs.

Hold test: females point their feet
Hold test: males tuck feet up
Our hold test

We will find out soon enough if we are correct. We were going to sell them as chicks but we'll keep them and sell them as POL (at Point Of Lay).

Monday, 12 November 2012

Being the person you want to see in others

Take some chocolate, 
yep another heavy one J

I have been thinking a lot about how we are as individuals and how we are as a community of people. It started with me offering and paying for a lady’s punnet of strawberries at the supermarket the other day. She was shocked that I would do something like that for someone I didn’t know. “Are you an angel or something?” was her response. When was the last time you went above and beyond for someone? Paid for someone’s coffee order at a café, their petrol, their strawberries?

With the likes of social media like FB we are now able to stay in the comforts of our own homes, socialise from a distance and be safe. But the only person suffering there is the person behind the computer. God made us to interact with people. We all like being blessed and having nice words spoken about us but find it OK to sit at home behind a computer, complain about how hard life is and bag out others. I see so many FB status updates that allude to people upset at being treated unfairly. Go to the person, email them if you have to, but don’t drag them down publicly. Be the person you want others to be to you. Uplift, bless, think before acting.
I have been getting upset of late at the lack of communication there seems to be within my local community both on the big and small scale. I don’t know if I can change this but I can make a difference to those around me by being the person I want others to be.
It is so easy to be down, curl up in a heap and sing Shannon Noll’s What about me? I know, because I do it. I, we, need to step out our own little pity parties and step out of our boxes and think about others more. And I am not talking about the stuff that people see and will recognise you for, I’m talking about the behind-the-scenes stuff, the stuff you don’t get recognised for. It may seem much less comfortable and you may lose some of those people you thought were friends but you’ll be a better person, and friend for it.

We watched the movie Contagion the other day. Love the following line from the movie. I have to kind of agree as I do find my blogging is just scribbled notes for you all to read J
Our 3 new Indian Runner ducklings

Blogging is not writing. It is graffiti with punctuation. – Contagion

My challenge for you:
Go and bless someone this week.
Change the way you think and talk.
You can do it! I believe in you.

Have a great week all.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Organic foods

What is organic?

I think in this day and age the term organic is being used as a fashionable term rather than true representation of the product. Afteral all food is organic, it's a living thing. I am seeing it more and more that products are being labeled with the organic label. When it comes down to it organic is just eating naturally grown food.

The term organic farming was coined by Oxford University agriculturalist Lord Northbourne, in his book Look to the Land, and published in wartime England in 1940. It was a response to what he dubbed chemical farming, and from the outset he presented these as two mutually incompatible, and contesting, agricultural methodologies. (found here)

 *When you buy organic food, you support farming which is sustainable. Because no hazardous chemicals are used.

*Organic foods should be free of pesticide (or other synthetic chemical) residues. Naturally grown.
*There seem to be real differences in minor nutrients with organic fruit and vegetables being better. *Although this is obviously very important, hardly anyone has done any serious work on just how much more nutritious organic food might be.
*Organic produce does not contain genetically modified organisms.
*Many people claim that organic food tastes better. How many people do you hear say, ‘oh yum, home grown vegies!’

This cartoon may be funny, but it is so very true. 
The chickens we buy from the major supermarkets are only a few weeks old, still chicks. It takes about five months for a home grown, non-hormone fed chickens to be ready for eating.

How you ever wondered why there are so many food allergies now this day of mass produced, quickly grown, green house foods. I wonder if kids that are say allergic to tomatoes are allergic to the fruit or the chemicals that help it grow and would they be allergic to home grown, sun ripened products too? 

You might be one (like I was) that sees organic food products as much more expensive. It can at times be like that (fashion equals more expensive) but it doesn't have to be. Shop around, buy in bulk, buy with friends and share.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Farm Update

We had the most beautiful day today! Miss Z and I sat out on the trampoline and had some girly time, painting toe nails.

A farm update is long overdue J

The calves had a needle (just routine, part of their development), then we gave each of them a little rubber band…so in the next few weeks they’ll be young steers…Finally, we seared the top of their horns to prevent them growing, so they can’t do any damage with them.

Curious creatures. Of an evening or late arvo they are near the house, checking things out…prepared to run if we get too close though.

One of our miniatures has gone broody, so tonight I collected 6 eggs (3 Guinea Fowl and 3 Aracana) for her to sit on. We also have a broody Muscovy on 12 Indian Runner eggs. Oh, and we found a Leghorn cross this morning that we have been missing for about 10 days. She hasn’t been roosting in the chookhouse, so we thought we’d lost her. Then today we saw her out and about before we’d let the others out for the day. We took a walk in some long grass under our macrocarpa trees, and discovered a nest of 13 eggs!
We also sold 6 Barnevelder chicks to our chook supplier, so I’m feeling accomplished in some weird sort of way…hopefully they were actually all girls like he wanted! I sold 8 from a previous batch as well. It’s a great feeling, getting return for hard work. Oh and I sold a male/female pair from the 4 ducklings that the Indian Game Bantam raised.

Essie had the equivalent of the calves’ rubber band treatment on Tuesday, so she’s sporting a shaved front with a few stitches. I was told to keep her quiet for a few days, but without being supplied with doggie valium, that has proved impossible already. Although she is now chained up at night, so there arn't any 5am dog-wrestels outside our window.
And sadly, last week Essie ate a young New Hampshire and started on a second. It was my fault, I had locked her in with them and not double checked where she was :( A third had a graised elbow so it and the untouched fourth are in with the young Barnevelders until is heals and re feathers.

Mr T and I did some gardening yesterday and discovered a path made of slate stepping stones under the front lawn. I felt a bit like a Time Team member uncovering the history of our property. The slate will be used elsewhere in the garden at a later date.
I found out what the plant is at the front of our house is today. Well, found out that it has an orange flower that will come out in December. So this week I will be taking some of it and putting it in other spots in the garden. 

Hope you have a most wonderful week. Do share on here or on my Facebook page the exciting things happening about your place this week :) xox 

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Spending time

Spending time with your kids is so important. I take my hat off to those who work (outside the home) part/full time, do the household stuff and find time for their kids. Why am I thinking of all of this? Well Aj is on camp and my work load here at home doubles. It gets me thinking about different families and the way they do things or are seen to be doing things.

I’m sitting here listening to MissZ creating all sorts of cut-up-paper pictures and drawing as she sits across the table from me. We are chatting and creating together in between sentences :)

I have never been one to stop all that I do and spend loads of time with my kids. I do housework and my cooking ect with them about. I find it hard to balance the household chores and time with the kids. I am finding it especially hard now that the twins are older and both wanting me to hold them or spend time with them. I have been making a conscious effort to spend time with Z, whether it be a walk in the garden, unlocking the chooks & checking for eggs or helping her learn to write. It is the perfect time while the twins sleep and MrT is at school.

Life moves faster when you are an adult and I have only one chance to spend time with my kids at this age. I have to treasure the moments.
I found this great page with 100 ways to spend time with your kids. Number one is to ASK THEM what they want to do. Number two is MAKE THE TIME. It is so easy to use the household chores as an excuse but they will be there tomorrow waiting, I promise ;)

It is hard to just sitting patiently being told what to write or draw or how to play dolls house but the benefits far out way the time.  Miss Z just loves the one on one. while I have noticed a behaviour difference in MrT, he is more settled and I guess more willing to help out and do as he is asked.
The babies aren’t fussed on how the time is spent, but they especially love it when Aj gets home from school, lays down on the floor and lets them climb all over him.

Happy Tuesday all. The sun is now gone and I'm off to light the fire :)

Friday, 19 October 2012

Thank you

OK, so after a couple of days, my tech-savvy husband has the following ready for re-posting. Here you go:

I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your replies to my blog. I am encouraged by them. I guess my blog is a great way for family and friends to keep up with what we are doing here but it's also a great place to be me and to share my thoughts. I am touched by emails, messages, and blog comments that people make about how my words have helped, encouraged and supported them. It's what makes me keep blogging, so...

My house has been one of learning and creating this past week. Miss Z is wanting to learn to write and I have been creating :-)

We have been practising letters and made a counting book, which she was extremely proud to show Aj when he came home from work.
I am now designing some alphabet and number flash cards for her. Once they are finished we will be able to colour them in together. She can write her name although we refining the way the letters are formed. And she wants to write her siblings' and animals' names ;)

6, six choc chip biscuits and the flash cards in progress

I have been creating tissue box covers and appliques for tee shirts. I have been really enjoying it! I would like to offer you the opportunity to buy a tee shirt. I have four long sleeve tops. Grey size7 (boys), green size6 (b), blue size6 (b) and white size3 (girls). $10 to cover the cost of the top and postage. Please email me at providencedesigns (at) gmail (dot) com if you would like one :D

I went to spotlight today and bought a few things including some small pegs and rick rack ribbon to finish a Christmas garland. I bought two pieces of material: maps and chickens. Not sure how I will use the chicken one yet but the map one will be made into a tissue box cover and a cushion for my map-crazy boyo.  

Oh, Oh, Oh and I picked up a TV cabinet and some old windows today! How could I forget?

Isn't this cabinet going to make the cutest kitchen for my girls. Now for the work of turning it in a kitchen. Oven, cooktop and fridge. And best of all, all the playfood will be stored IN it. ;) Thinking of just painting the doors and leaving the rest stained. I would like to get some baskets for the top shelves but we'll see. First thing will be the oven top.

I went to look at some timber for a new chook house and came out with four old windows instead. One for the secret garden, one/two for frames and one to use as a small green house lid thingy.

Well, my bed is calling.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Taking the plunge

It is so very easy to stay in the comfort zone. I am safe, secure and comfortable in my comfort zone. I get to stay in my PJs if I want, don't have to brush my hair and don't have to worry about my snotty  dribble-drenched kids. I don't have to worry about conversation and people's thoughts. My animals need looking after and there is always housework to be done. But we don't grow by staying in the zone: we go stale.

I have been suffering from some depression of late. I am in two minds: to let people go and not be bothered or to follow up and chase some friendships. I should be seeking God for my satisfaction but instead I am seeking it firstly in friendships. Without God first, the friendships will not flourish, but it seems so much easier to say than to do. I also need to stop over-thinking things and just be a friend to others.

I have to get out there and do coffee; spend the morning out more often and see my lifestyle improve. I have to take the plunge. I don't want to go to places or events where I genuinely don't feel welcome or comfortable, but I need to get out of the house, even if it's just to go to the shops for a wander.

I took the plunge today. I was bold and did something out of the ordinary for me. I now have a fringe. I haven't had a fringe in about 20 years. Thanks Lucy for your confident words of encouragement, I love it!

I hope you are finding my blogs encouraging.
Many blessings on you this weekend coming. YAY, it's FRIDAY TOMORROW!

Monday, 8 October 2012

A simple garden project

A simple garden project was called for today.
It was beautiful and sunny outside and I wasn't too interested in playing cars so outside we went.

This simple five step project is great for little hands and Miss Z really enjoyed getting her hands dirty for this one. As Bob the Builder says: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. And I have old cupboard drawers, compost bin dirt, and reduced-to-clear plants.

STEP 1 - Line the draws with waterproof material and trim off excess.
STEP 2 - Fill with composted dirt
STEP 3 - Plant your vegetables/plants. I used Baby Spinach, Leek and a few extras that I had about. I planted the veggies closer than what they recommend as we will be using them as they grow and they will never need the recommended space.
STEP 4 - Water them in.
STEP 5 - Clean up the area and put away tools.

Happy gardening!

Thursday, 4 October 2012


Friendship. I have been thinking about it a lot lately; maybe over-thinking it.

Friendship is something that I believe is getting harder to maintain in our busy lives nowadays. There was a time that I didn’t know many mothers of young children who worked. Now I know many. I am not getting into the working vs non-working mother debate but I will say that working or general busyness does have an affect on friendships. I think this quote says it all:

I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, 
but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.

It is interesting to see how my own friendship group has changed over the last 2 years since we moved from Victoria. We have a few dear friends in Victoria who we are in touch with and for whom time apart doesn’t change things. We have made some brilliant friends here in NW Tassie too. A friendship to me is a two-way street. It means helping out when in need. It means not having to always use words; just being with each other is enough.

Taking from a friendship doctor’s blog: Many camp friendships turn out to be long-lasting relationships but others fizzle out for a number of reasons: People may grow and change after they leave camp; people get immersed in their own lives and friendships at home; or people fail to nurture their camp friendships.
This is so true. Friends do take time to grow and nurture. For me it means stepping outside my comfort zone and taking the first step. Being willing to be open.


I have got to a point in life where I am past having to put a mask on my depression and my feelings. I am who I am. I want real friends, not just Facebook friends. I want real friends to share my life, not just my status updates. I want to do coffee and craft nights and hang out, but I don't want to have to be the chaser. I am finding happiness and satisfaction in my few close friends and in my family. It is a constant battle between me and my thoughts but I will get there. There was a time that I wanted lots of friends but now I just want friends who will do life with me where I am now.

Sunday, 30 September 2012

The sun was lovely!

Today has been a big day. We had a top of 13.1oC, though it felt a lot warmer. The sun was lovely!!!

It started with breakfast out. My mum is over and she offered to stay home the the kids. Now that was an experience, we ate a hot breakfast, hot coffee and we chatted without interruptions. Funny the things you appreciate when you have kids.

 We visited the local nursery on the way home and purchased 5 native trees and a few plants for my cottage garden. We are wanting to plant more trees to encourage the birds and to create a bit of a hedge from the main road. We have Callistemon, Bottlebrush & Melaleuca. The Daisies and Aster mix are for the garden at the front of the house. The little pink-flowered plant (in the left pic, can't remember their name) are for under the front fence, hopefully filling the gap between the concrete base of the original fence and the bottom of the new palings. It was lovely being out in the garden again, weeding where needed and imagining a full garden bed.

The other job I had today was building the chicks a new home. Their feathers are almost completely through and as I have new Barnevelder chicks coming tomorrow they need to give up their heat lamp. They are still in the shed and have a heavy blanket over them, especially at night. I know that I have to be prepared to lose one or two but I don't want to and am so looking forward to their first night being over and done with. I used an old tool box from the Waratah mines and put lattice top on it. The lid isn't secure but heavy enough to stay.

I am very proud of myself. The ideas in my head actually came out correctly and it worked! Just got to work on a hinged lid...a solid lid I think.

I found this on the net last week. How cool is it! An easy project. Terracotta pots, blackboard paint, string and you have some lovely pots for the home and as gift.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

National Op Shop Week

Op shop
taken from the abc

National Op Shop Week is an invitiaive of 
Do Something!

I love Op Shopping, although I had many more opportunities while living in Victoria, I get into our local shop whenever I can. Op Shops aren't just about buying though. People need to donate for them to be able to sell and this is what the week's focus is on.

“Giving clothes is a great way to help out the community,” said Jon, the founder of action group Do Something. “These donations are a great way to clean up our cupboards and do something positive for those in need. By reusing clothes it also helps the environment.” original site

Spring clean. Such an old fashioned word but you will feel so much better for it. Clear out what is not needed. I think we collect so much that just isn’t needed. When is enough, enough? If you haven't worn it or used it, pass it on. I found two boxes in my shed labels Garage Sale/eBay. I think I will just donate them. I do not have the time to sit at the computer all day uploading items on eBay and I don’t want to have to store garage sale items.
The saying is ‘if you haven’t used it in 6mths you don’t need it’…I don’t think I will even open the boxes to see inside them should I be tempted J

Spring cleaning is the practice of thoroughly cleaning a house in the spring time The practice of spring cleaning is especially prevalent in climates with a cold winter.
The most common usage of spring cleaning refers to the yearly act of cleaning a house from top to bottom which would take place in the first warm days of the year typically in spring, hence the name. 

Take care when donating items though. The Op Shops are not dumping grounds for things that can’t be used. I have heard people say ‘Oh but if someone needs clothes they’d wear it’. A good rule for thumb is ‘Donate it if you would wear it or own it’.

- 60 million kilos of usable clothing a year is donated through charity bins and donations.
- A further 15 million kilos of donated textiles are converted into industrial wiper clothes.
- However 25 million kilos of donated textiles are unusable and have to be sent to landfill.

So many treasures can be found in Op Shops, especially the small town ones run by the older ladies in the community. Those are my favourite.

What treasures have you found at Op Shops?

Happy Spring Cleaning and donating.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Raising Chicks

I was asked about my chick raising by a friend/blog follower and though I would expand and explain. Please note, that chicks do need care and a clean house but I think anyone can do it. If unsure, just start with a small amount.

If purchasing fertile eggs, keep in mind they take about 28 days to hatch whether they are in an incubator or under a broody chook. I purchased chicks that were a few days old as I do not have an incubator. 

What you need:

The chicks' first home is called a "brooder".  A cage suitable for a rabbit or guinea pig is terrific and easy to clean. Some people even use an aquarium, I started with a large plastic tub! Chicks should be kept indoors (or in a heated brooder box) until they have their feathers, about 5-8 weeks. I use a large wooden box with a flyscreen as a assess door, the rest of the box is sealed as they are outside in the shed. The bottom should have a layer of clean litter. Wood shavings are great, shredded paper is also good.

Baby chicks are prone to a number of diseases, most of which can be avoided with proper sanitation.

The size of the brooder depends on how many chicks you have - the chicks should have enough room to move around, and to lay down and sleep. You also need to have enough space in it for a waterer and a feeder.
Similar to what mine looked like for only 4 chicks.
If you have more chicks image this setup in a larger box. 

When the chicks are a month old, add a low roost - a stick or piece of wood dowelling about 4" off the floor. The chicks will jump on it and may even begin sleeping there. Don't put the roost directly under the light, it will be too hot.
Wood shavings on the floor – can be easely changed as needed and keeps the chicks healthy.

You need something to hold food and water. I use similar to what is in the photo above but you could use the bottoms of icecream containers. Just make sure that if the chick falls into the water they can get out again.
Chicks will naturally scratch at their food, so a feeder that keeps the food in one place is good.I check on the water and feeder daily and replace or clean when needed. They tend to make a most lovely mess of the water. 
Chicks start out with food called crumbles. I am using ‘Chick Starter’ from a local rural supplier or your pet store may have smaller amounts. The feed is a complete food, it has all that they need – and no other food is necessary. After the first week or two, you can give them a worm or a bug or two from your garden to play with and eat but nothing too big. Check the chicks for poo that is stuck on their backside area and preventing more poo from passing - if you see this, clean off their backside area (you can use a moist towel)

 Reptile One Ceramic Heat Lamp 100WTEMPERATURE
A thermometer in the brooder is helpful, but you can tell if the temperature is right by how the chicks behave. If they are panting and/or huddling in corners farthest from the light, they are too hot. If they huddle together in a ball under the light, they are too cold. You can adjust the distance of the light until it is right, and this is what I do. 

I use a black reptile one like this. Shop around for the best price.

I hope this helps you Sarah! I also hope it makes sense lol

Saturday, 22 September 2012


It has been a hard day where the chickens are concerned.

I did a lap of the yard this afternoon and found an Isa Brown laying in the garden. There were chooks around her and a Plymouth Rock had been mating with her. She was slowly panting (best way to describe it). Her eyes were tightly shut and she didn't last long.
I went to check on the chooks while the calves' milk heated up and I found a Buff Sussex hen hiding in a corner. She was showing signs of exhaustion with a flopping body and not wanting to stand or sit on her perch. I have brought her inside, given her some Berocca, and we now have to wait and see. She is currently sitting in a box, coughing and throwing herself about. Aj said that she could be just sick but they were all fine this morning and no other chooks seem to be affected.

An update on the Barnavelder chicks (pics 1-5). They are all so different looking at this stage. I was told by the seller that she had used a new rooster this year. I guess I'm a bit of a Guinea Pig but that's ok. Afterall it's a learning experience on raising chicks.

Picture six is one of the four that were meant to have gone under the broody bantam -'s hoping that he is a she and that she stays and lays lots of eggs, as MrT has claimed her :)

Here's to a happier Sunday.
What makes you happy? For me, the sunshine and being outside or inside creating with the sun shining through the open door.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Much to share

After the 13 eggs yesterday we only got 5 today. We were chatting about it and wondering whether the weather plays a part in egg production. It was a cold and blustery day today. The chooks were not out and about the yard. They stayed close to the chook house and hayshed. We also lost the brown leghorn  hen last night. She was hit by a car :( Two layers lost, both flighty leghorns which are the most unlikely to get hit. Oh well, that's life on the farm.

We put up temporary fences on Monday and removed the gate from the hayshed. The calves are now free to roam and start eating grass. Aj found it hilarious watching the calves discover what the electric fences were; I felt sorry for them hehehe They are still feeling safest inside but they'll get there.

Aj has been wood splitting today and I have been moving my craft items to a new storage unit; a beautiful retro kitchen cabinet. We went to Waratah yesterday and collected a few more pieces from the lovely Kate and Ben including an organ, and a metal meat safe. I will save the meat save to put up in the boys' bedroom. That is when the twins outgrow their cots and we move the kids around.


Thursday nights are foodie nights on the SBS with Gourmet Farmer, a local Tasmanian. Nick makes it look easier than it really is, he obviously has the cash behind him and the farm help that the average person doesn't have, but it's a great show. Destination Flavour and Our Food. A very insightful evening full of ideas to put into the memory bank for later down the track here at Providence Meadows. I am looking forward to tasting our own organically grown chickens; in fact I am seeing some of them are getting ready and my mouth waters. 

Oh and I am excitied to say that I now own a copy of The Contented Chook. My friend Bel put me onto it. Looking forward to making it my chicken guide and note book. :)

What has been the highlight of your week?