Well, we are a bit of a sick household at the moment, well, the girls that is. The last few days have included exhaustion, lots of sleep and all that yuckiness stuff. Aj took Monday & Tuesday off work to take care of us and is back at school today. I feel blessed to have him in a job where he can take carers leave even if he still has to prepare his daily lessons. I have three kids asleep as I write this and I am enjoying a rest myself.
Last Thursday two year 12 students/bible study friends, the three younger kids and I went off to find snow. It was the day that Aj took his Outdoor Ed students off to Cradle Mountain. Find his story here.
We ate lunch in the cafe and headed back to Ulverstone. We made it to the fuel station on zero fuel in the tank. Ashlee said she thought we had been driving for about 5-6 ks on zero. I real God moment I believe. I really appreciated Kate and Ashlee joining me. I mean if it wasn't for them I would not have gone. The day included, adventure, laughter, and much happy chatting.
We made it back to town a few hours later than I thought so was grateful to friends for collecting MrT from school and allowing him to hang out with them for the afternoon.
A great day had by all.
Well what fun & new things for the young ones...even though they were not so well within themselves... PTL for the fuel, too ! And for support friends for the journey & Mr T !