Saturday, 13 April 2013

Planting in the rain

Ducks like rain and I love planting in the rain...with a big jacket on and my back to the rain that is.

Pink Cascade
I love planting in the rain as it means the plants get an extra watering. The natives I planted today were as follows:

Flora Mason Grevillea
Flora Mason

I planted  #2, #4 and #5 up the back near the chook house to give them shade and shelter. The others I planted out the front, inside the fence. They will fill in the garden bed so that the road will be blocked off and the fence will not be seen. They will also attract birds to the yard. The Leucadendrons also make lovely cut flowers.

I also moved some roses*, planted a new rose and planted a new orange dahlia. I have some small foxgloves in a pot to grow before planting out the front in the cottage garden, as the ducks and chooks ate the last lot. 

*I know that it isn't the right time of year but I don't ever seem to do things at the right time. I cut the bushes back, getting rid of the up coming flowers and old leaves which means the plant focuses on the roots not flower production. I also water well for a while. 

The front yard
We have also been working on the Secret Garden/Cubby that we have put inside the Pittosporum trees in the front yard. We have one central tree and lots of runners that have come off it. Someone suggested using the inside of the trees as the cubby. We cleared the lower branches and some the the main tree trunks. Miss Z was the one to find it...she thinks it's great. I need to make a seat to fit around the central tree and I want to build a door with an old window on the right of the cubby garden. That and waiting for the trees to bush up, which I'm sure won't be that long ;)

On the plan to the left:
1. Pittosporum
4. Front path
5. Cubby cottage garden
Learning to use the chain saw and creating the doorway.

On the right is the central tree and seat position.

All done.

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