Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Slaughter day

Hello there. It feels like ages ago since I last wrote. I have started many blogs in my head but life has got in between my thoughts and the computer. Grr. Aj was on Senior camp last week and is on Outdoor Ed camp tomorrow until Friday so I seem a tad out of whack at the moment. Plus we seem to have taken a step backwards with Mr T so that doesn't help either.

Anyway, today we said goodbye and thank you to Angus and Scotch, our two steers.
We had a mobile butcher come out and dispatch them. It was really interesting. I have never seen an animal be shot. It was a nice clean shot between the eyes (never saw where it went in) and with a thud over 300kg of animal fell to the ground. I will spare you the details of the rest except to say it was a very quick process and I felt nothing but gratitude; both to butchers for their experience and to the steers for the meat that they are providing us. Also to our neighbour for the use of his tractor, saving a lot of time and effort in lifting and putting them in the coolroom, where they will hang until next week.
Yesterday we were blessed to have a local come out with a mini digger and dig us a MASSIVE hole for the offal. It only cost us a dozen eggs, such a blessing. So my exercise today was to partly fill it in the hole. The fat and some of the bones will go in next week when it is all cut up.
We will get a whole beast (Angus) for our freezer with three others sharing Scotch (½ , ¼, ¼). It is a massive process: the cutting up, packing, labelling and freezing, and who knows just how many cuts of meat there are. We will save all that though for butchering day.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, you all !!
    That is the fruit of your labours !
    Thankful is all I can echo !
    Lots of love &
    oh, yes, have a look at Beth's
    posting on Google+...
    quite appropriate... & glad you didn't have to get one of those steers on your Posties bike, Aj
