Saturday, 21 September 2013


Today was the LEGOLAND party. Mr T had a ball with his friends 
and all the Lego games and activities.

Painted MDF Lego men
Pin the head on the Lego man
His set up on Wednesday

*Egg & Spoon, on their knees using dryer balls
*Pass the Parcel
*Lego Bingo
*Sleeping Lions, and believe it or not a child suggested it and all jumped in
*Guess the number of Lego blocks
*Pin the head on the Lego man

All lolly prizes went into their take home boxes.

They also painted MDF Lego men which I had cut out by a local company.

I tried to make everything smaller than normal as I know how much kids waste party food. I made cupcakes and a small cake. It meant that the kids were able to take a cupcake each and as they were topped with blue icing they were a hit!
Guess the blocks
MarsBar slice made in
 a Lego silicone tray 
Candles blown out, wearing his b'day top from his Aunty :)
Party boxes

All the food was eaten (the plan) and all had a great time. MrT's highlight was playing 'paeleontologists' in the dirt pile with his friends before everything kicked off :) 

And I had a wonderful snooze on the couch. Massive thanks to Aj for all his help. Love ya!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

A full week

Wow, it has been a full week now since we found out we were having two babies!! I feel like this has been a really long week but it's Friday tomorrow. Yay!

Aj is away on an Outdoor Ed camp at Walls of Jerusalem for two nights, back tomorrow some time. My days have included feeding goats, moving/feeding cows (chasing cows, cos i left a gate open), attending to chickens and doing all the normal mum stuff.

I have starting weaning Neville (the goat). 500ml, poor kid thought he was very ripped off as he was drinking 1L. The goats are doing really well on the new brand of formula and no longer have scourers. They have settled into their new home to I guess.

I have been making bibs today and looking forward to finishing them off and showing you all.

I have the big scan on Tuesday. Looking forward to seeing mu babies in more detail!!!

Oh dear, look at the time, I'm off to bed. Night all.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Still coming to term with...

Still coming to term with...the fact that we are having ANOTHER set of twins!!!

We have 2yr old b/g twins as you know and just yesterday found out we are 17wks with another set of fraternal twins; making 6 children in our family. (we had said no more, changed out minds and were trying for no5/the last baby, yes you can laugh) Aj researched it yesterday and worked the follow out. 

Having a set of twins 1:285
Having a second set of twins 1:12000
Having a second set of twins after fraternal twins 1:3000
For probability of having two sets of fraternal twins 1:85500

It is 4 times more likely to have a second set of fraternal twins. 
I don't think it is that common here in Australia.

but add another two kids to this picture.

I am well. I'm still in shock though! I guess I know what I am in for this time around. It explains why I have been feeling so tired; unmotivated to clean my house (apart from the usual stuff) and why I 'popped' so suddenly.
I am excited and feel blessed that God trusts me to raise another set of twins. He doesn't give us more than we can handle with His help so I will be ok. I know that the carefree pregnancy I wanted this time around will be a little over shadowed by obstetricians and midwife check ups. Plus I wanted to give breastfeeding one last shot and it is so much harder with twins and four other children to look after. I also wanted to have the baby and come home from hospital on the same day...things to think about and maybe just to see how things turn out at the time. I know the risks involved in home births but I do wonder why it all has to be so controlled these days.

People at Aj's school were saying things like 'you stud Aj' and 'go you!' but it is seriously not his doing. It is me! I released two eggs...I have no one to blame but myself hehehe

I have another market tomorrow. Last weeks market when well and the baby shoes sold well so I am sewing up a few more small ones today. They look great on the new stand Aj made for me. All visible and at a good eye level.

Must go and get on with the day, goats to feed, wood to bring in...