Take some chocolate,
yep another heavy one J
I have been thinking a lot about how we are as individuals and how we
are as a community of people. It started with me offering and paying for a lady’s
punnet of strawberries at the supermarket the other day. She was shocked that I
would do something like that for someone I didn’t know. “Are you an angel or something?”
was her response. When was the last time you went above and beyond for someone?
Paid for someone’s coffee order at a cafĂ©, their petrol, their strawberries?
With the likes of social media like FB we are now able to stay in the comforts
of our own homes, socialise from a distance and be safe. But the only person suffering
there is the person behind the computer. God made us to interact with people.
We all like being blessed and having nice words spoken about us but find it OK
to sit at home behind a computer, complain about how hard life is and bag out
others. I see so many FB status updates that allude to people upset at being
treated unfairly. Go to the person, email them if you have to, but don’t drag
them down publicly. Be the person you want others to be to you. Uplift, bless, think
before acting.
I have been getting upset of late at the lack of communication there
seems to be within my local community both on the big and small scale. I don’t
know if I can change this but I can make a difference to those around me by
being the person I want others to be.
It is so easy to be down, curl up in a heap and sing Shannon Noll’s What about me? I know, because I do it. I,
we, need to step out our own little pity parties and step out of our boxes and
think about others more. And I am not talking about the stuff that people see
and will recognise you for, I’m talking about the behind-the-scenes stuff, the
stuff you don’t get recognised for. It may seem much less comfortable and you
may lose some of those people you thought were friends but you’ll be a better
person, and friend for it.
We watched the movie Contagion
the other day. Love the following line from the movie. I have to kind of agree
as I do find my blogging is just scribbled notes for you all to read J
Our 3 new Indian Runner ducklings |
Blogging is not
writing. It is graffiti with punctuation. – Contagion
My challenge for you:
Go and bless someone this week.
Change the way you think and talk.
You can do it! I believe in you.
Have a great week all.